drawing apps

Just before American Thanksgiving I got myself an iPad. One of my favorite apps so far has been Paper by FiftyThree. It turns your iPad into a sketch book of sorts. I haven’t paid for any of the add-ons, still debating that one. But I’ve had fun with the plain ‘ol doodle part, including making myself some seasonal backgrounds for my iPad.

photoI discovered that I love drawing ribbons.


Another app that I have loved is iFontMaker by 2TTF. It’s an app that allows you to make your own font, one character at a time. So far I’ve made 2 fonts.


You can download them and use them! (I wish it could go without saying, but please do not use them for profit or try to sell them as your own work.) If you end up using them elsewhere on the internet, share a link with me so I can check it out. 🙂



I think it would be cool to have my Grandma write each letter so I can capture her handwriting. Or anyone from my family for that matter. If you have a quirky, unique handwriting or just have fun drawing doodles and wingdings, you should get this app, too!

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