first week

Whenever you are working to further the kingdom of God, you will face obstacles. Satan will do his best to try to stop you, or at least slow you down. It is discouraging and even tiring at times. But we are prepared for battle. We know that we cannot do it with our own strength and so we rely on God, our Warrior. If you think about it, please pray for us.

Last week was my first as an official staff member on campus at Simon Fraser University. It was a crazy week. Every year during the first two weeks of school Campus for Christ (the Canadian Campus Crusade for Christ ministry) passes out Real Life Kits containing a CD/DVD, New Testament, and another book that presents and defends the gospel such as The Case for Christ (Lee Strobel) or More Than a Carpenter (Josh McDowell). In the past, they have passed out about 1000 RLKs each year, but this year we broke all of the records. On the first day alone we passed out more than 1300 RLKs and collected over 500 new contacts! This week we will be following up with those contacts and getting Christians who are new to the campus plugged in with our club. I will be leading a Bible study on campus soon, too.

I’m excited about what God has planned for this school year. I am also a little apprehensive about the coming busyness. It’s inevitable it seems. What if there were enough hours in the day to spend three hours alone with God, go to work, exercise, make dinner, fix whatever is broken, hang out and relax, make lunch for tomorrow, run errands, check your email, and still get enough sleep? What if we didn’t have to be busy? Wait, life used to be like this not too long ago (for me, much longer for some of you other folks). Before cell phones and before emails all we did was play with our friends, eat, and go to school and that was enough. I miss it. Let’s work on not being too busy.

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